Viral Hepatitis Symptoms I Was "positive" For Hepatitis C, Then Later On Doc Says Maybe I Actually Never Got It?
I was "positive" for hepatitis C, then later on doc says maybe I actually never got it? - viral hepatitis symptoms
ABT I'm really confused, my liver problems. I am sure that cos I Somekind liver problems, sometimes I feel a sharp pain in my little area of the liver. Last year, I became very ill and was confined to bed for a week and was sick for a whole month. An annual test "accidentally" discovered that my SGPT was very high, about 80 years (I am) 24 years old.
My doctor suspected hepatitis, I went through all these tests (number of viruses, etc.) ... and the results showed he had hepatitis C. He tried to pursue the matter, but could not find the exact cause. I do not do drugs. I am in a committed long term relationship with my partner has been tested and was negative. I've never had a blood transfusion. Last year, everything I think is a deep tooth cleaning was about a month before he was really sick.
After he was given the treatment and liver pills doc has another test on my own. The results were "discovered", ie that he has hepatitis C. My doctor asked me to place another test after a few months. But recognized.
About mos Postive 8 after the test, Hepatitis C, I visited my doctor again on my vaccination against hepatitis B, you get told that perhaps never had hepatitis or misdiagnosed. * * What have we come, then? I felt that I needed to ask his position was even worse.
But I'm just curious, diagnosed when, has experienced how come almost exactly, symptoms of hepatitis C? Search for hepatitis C should ABT else going? An underlying disease?
I want to get tested just to make statements. But what I really think that the test was wrong. The degree of TGP eleveated may be several reasons for pancreatitis, an inflammation of the gallbladder, or both are likely to cause severe pain. You need a liver ultrasound, have gallballder, you have the next time they Pancreas pain.
Someone close to me have hepatitis C (for the treatment of hepatitis non A non B call ") and the doctors have diagnosed as A or B. So they gave the wrong medication, and his liver was destroyed. Some years after his death. Moral of the story - you do not play when you might have hepatitis. C.
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