Unsecured Commercial Loans Is A Rental House Bought With A Commercial Loan Taxed Differently Than One Purchased With A Normal Home Loan?
Is a rental house bought with a commercial loan taxed differently than one purchased with a normal home loan? - unsecured commercial loans
I financed 100% with my partner through a commercial loan, such as guarantees and simple. It is a house near an industrial area that we sell and commercial zoning. However, the costs associated with redirecting excessive and now I want to be received only sit for a while, but we would like to pay high commercial loans and the monthly payments under.
And as taxes go to ... but there are clear differences in the extent of tax and the tax on capital gains from the sale go.
For payments that you want certain types of products, the refinancing Residentail a fixed period of 5 years (for the security of payments), or a product with a variable interest rate for the lowest down payment (which can be for a short period of 2 ) until 3 years options. Now they have reduced the speed have (which may have been the last 6 months).
Hope this helps.
Tom Voli
tom.voli @ gtofinancial.com
Real Estate taxes on trade in goods is slightly higher than in residential construction. The actual taxes that would result in a different tax advantage is obtained through the sale of the property. They will be as a company and not taxed as an individual. We hope and are formed as an LLC or LLP.
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