Fishing Decorations For Rehearsal Dinner Can Fish Decorations Stunt My Fish's Growth?

Can fish decorations stunt my fish's growth? - fishing decorations for rehearsal dinner

I have 23 gallons.
I have two goldfish and a bonnet rouge shubukin Each 6-7cm long
It was a year that we and they have not yet increased.
I have a house big enough / Rock. I know this sounds stupid, but this could be the reason to grow, finally, is "the use of space" and fish only on the size of the tank


danielle Z said...

Yes you can. Decorate the room and move the water tank, in fact, you can grow your fish in a much slower pace.

While 23 gallons is pleanty two of the imagination, for no reason that should not grow.

Check your food. Goldies need a diet rich in protein low in fat. You can also supplement your diet with things like green vegetables such as peas, spinach, lettuce, green beans and things like pumpkin, carrots, chicken.

I would like a small lock for the tank. It takes a long time in fact a ruse to grow fish, fish, but also slower when there is so much space.

amy35 said...

N ยบ. DONOT decorations stunt growth of the goldfish, but not too crowded. Goldfish can be played as an ornament for you and even through the rocks and castles. A goldfish can grow quickly when faced with a variety of foods and vitamins. I think the gold Arent ur impeding growth, fish are omnivorous and grow quickly, or they can live food or frozen food pellets with the combination of eating Goldfish definietly growing heart. Buy U can save the animal. YU to see in a few weeks to Goldfish heart gets bigger.
Hope this helps:)

blah blah! said...

I assure you, are not too many things. Decorations are beautiful, not overloaded. add plants is always good because it hiding something and are even fish filtered water at the same time.

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